Green Hexagons platform - ISO 27001 standard
The Green Hexagon platform conforms to ISO 27001, a standard that certifies the privacy and security of your data.
Information Security
We understand the complexities involved in hosting colossal amounts of data, compliance documentation and your requirements to access your data. We have engineered our platform to be intuitive, secure, and globally accessible, addressing the requirements of project developers, auditors, and businesses. ISO 27001 is the leading international standard for information security.
A hub for data and compliance
Addressing methane reduction isn't merely about technology—it’s about ensuring transparency, traceability, and trustworthiness. We provide a centralised registry that archives all relevant data and compliance documentation. Designed in alignment with the rigorous ISO 14064-2 Standards and the guidelines set for registries by the UNFCCC, our platform supports the multifaceted needs of project monitoring, auditing, and credit retirement.
Independent Audit - ISO 14064-2
TÜV Rheinland: Our experienced and reliable partner for Sustainability Management Systems.
With decades of experience and expertise in all areas of certification, TUV are the ideal partner for our certification according to the important sustainability standards set across ISO 14001 family.
Certification - from a single source - with a single point of contact. According to this principle, we save time and costs and benefit from the know-how of internationally experienced certification professionals with an excellent reputation.
We have confidence our auditing partner provides efficient integrated certification by a globally renowned organisation TÜV Rheinland.